Friday 30 September 2022



v Masuk PPL setiap hari Senin – Jumat, dalam satu bulan kurang lebih ada 21 HARI masuk sekolah (1 bulan = 31 HARI)

Ø Ongkos HARIAN PULANG – PERGI yang ditentukan cantik = 50.000

Ø Jadi, 21 HARI x 50.000 ONGKOS HARIAN = 1.050.000 / bulan (khusus transport)


v Ini ada rencana KOST di TOMOHON MISEL ajak. HARGA KOST ASLI = 500.000; kalo 2 orang di SATU KAMAR jadi = 600.000

Ø HARGA KOST TOMOHON 600.000 : 2 ORANG = 300.000/bulan

Ø Jadi Perhitungannya :

1.050.000 (uang transport/bulan) – 300.000 (kost tomohon) = MASIH SISA 750.000


Ø HARI ke kampus adalah HARI RABU & JUMAT


Ø Dalam satu minggu ke KAMPUS HANYA 2 KALI, total dalam SATU BULAN ada 8 KALI KE KAMPUS

Ø ONGKOS : 8 (KALI KE KAMPUS) x 50.000 (ONGKOS KAMPUS) = 400.000

Ø Dari tersisa 750.000 – 400.000 = 350.000


Ø TOTAL/bln = 700.000

Ø HEMAT 350.000


Tuesday 20 September 2022


Pemahaman Mengenai Proses Bisnis
Proses bisnis adalah langkah – langkah yang tepat dan memainkan peran pentig dalam memberikan penawaran kepada pelanggan/pengguna. Proses bisnis ini memiliki serangkaian langkah atau tahapan yang saling terkait yang ditugaskan kepada setiap pemangku kepentingan (pembuat software, pemiliki spftware) untuk pekerjaan tertentu dengan tujuan memberikan produk atau layanan kepada pelanggan/pengguna. Produk yang dimaksud berupa software / perangkat lunak.

Perbedaan GIM dan GAME
Keduanya adalah sama. Karena GIM, adalah bahasa asli Indonesia untuk permainan, GAME adalah bahasa inggris nya. Lebih banyak masyarakat yg sadar untuk lebih menggunakan bahasa Inggris daripada bahasa Indonesia.

Software developer = pengembang, terbagi menjadi beberapa tim untuk memudahkan dalam proses pengembangan apk/software inilah yg disebut software developer / istilah sederhana orang yg membuat apk tersebut.
Tim developer :
- UI/UX designer = orang yang melakukan perancngan dan pembuatan desain awal dari apk
- Front end developer = bertugas untuk mengubah desain awal dari tim UI/UX designer ke dalam bentuk kode pemrograman / coding. Sehingga output yg dihasilkna dapat ditampilkan kepada client / pelanggan kita.
- Back end developer = untuk membuat basis data serta menyiapkan server, agar diberikan kepada tim front end sehingga nantinya juga dapat diakses oleh user / client. Tim backend harus memiliki pemahaman yg hebat mengenai algoritma dan struktur data dalam pemrograman.
- Fullstack developer = untuk dapat bekerja dalam sisi front end dan back end. Jadi dia mencakup dua sisi sekaligus. 

Tahapan Dalam Melakukan Metode Waterfall
- Requirement Analysis. ...
- System and Software Design. ...
- Implementation and Unit Testing. ...
- Integration and System Testing. ...
- Operation and Maintenance

Tahapan Dalam Melakukan Metode Prototype
- Requirements Gathering and Analysis (Analisis Kebutuhan)
- Quick Design (Desain cepat)
- Build Prototype (Bangun Prototipe)
- User Evaluation (Evaluasi Pengguna Awal)
- Refining Prototype (Memperbaiki Prototipe)
- Implement Product and Maintain (Implentasi dan Pemeliharaan)

Tahapan Dalam Melakukan Metode Spiral
- tahap liason, 
- tahap planning, 
- tahap analisis risiko, 
- tahap rekayasa (engineering), dan 
- tahap evaluasi.

Monday 12 September 2022


Buatlah Presentasi terkait tempat wisata di daerah anda minimal 5 Slide ukuran 4:3
1. Slide 1 halaman judul (buat dalam bentuk master slide)
2. Slide 2 profil anda
- gambar profil dan data diri singkat
3. Slide 3 dstnya pengenalan tempat Wisata
4. Masukan efek transisi pada setiap Slide
5. Masukan efek animasi pada setiap text dan gambar
6. Masukan file audio/video pada salah satu Slide
7. Berikan effect pada text seperti huruf timbul dan bayangan pada setiap judul slide
8. Masukan hyperlink ke website resmi pemerintah daerah di dalah satu slide

Download "thunderbird"

Selamat pagi semuanya, mengenai jadwal VSGA Minahasa di Hotel Yama Resort Tondanoada yg kami sampaikan sbb : 
1. Hari pertama : pukul 08.00 setempat, peserta registrasi pendaftaran uji di

2. Arahkan dan pastikan peserta memilih skema dan nama jadwal yang sesuai dgn pilihannya, jangan sampai salah pilih nama jadwal. Berikut nama jadwal sertifikasi : 

VSGA Kominfo - Minahasa - Data Management Staff
VSGA Kominfo - Minahasa - Junior Network Administrator

3. Saat registrasi peserta diingatkan jangan sampai salah input Namanya karena berpengaruh pada penerbitan sertifikat kompetensi 

4. Telrmapir kode kelas google classroom untuk dibeirkan kepada peserta, peserta join di google classroom (gcr) sesuai skema yg di pilih

5. Tolong asesor yg bertugas share gmailnya supaya kami inbite dalam gcr tsb

6. Perihal dokumentasi seperti foto kegiatan (seluruh asesi dgn askom, saat wawancara, acara penutupan) jangan lupa di foto ya dan daftar hadir akan saya share serta tolong bantu di print untuk laporan kami ke Kominfo dan penagihan. 

7. Semua atau beberapa asesor wajib mengikuti acara penutupan, nanti ada penyampaian persentase hasil rekomendasi BK & K

8. Pembagian nama2 peserta yg di uji, monggo diatur saja sama temen2 asesor. Jika sudah ada tolong foto saja lalu dikirim ke wag ini supaya kami sesuaikan di system atau akun asesor, jadi askom langsung input rekomendasinya. 

9. Jika ada informasi lebih lanjut segera kami kabarin dan jika ada kendala teknis saat pendaftaran sampaiakn saja disini supaya kami segera follow up. 

10. Terima kasih

RPS Komdat


chat DPL

Grup PPL-2 SMK Kristen 2 Tomohon

Grup PPL-2


Pengumuman Peserta PPL-2 Ganjil 2022

Saturday 10 September 2022

Materi Pemrograman Dasar Kelas 10


Lihat Dokumen Daftar Nama

The Key Responsibilities of a Database Administrator

The Key Responsibilities of a Database Administrator

A database administrator's (DBA) primary job is to ensure that data is available, protected from loss and corruption, and easily accessible as needed. Below are some of the chief responsibilities that make up the day-to-day work of a DBA. DSP deliver an outsourced DBA service in the UK, providing Oracle Support and SQL Server Support; whilst mindset and toolset may be different, whether a database resides on-premise or in a Public / Private Cloud, the role of the DBA is not that different.

1. Software installation and Maintenance

A DBA often collaborates on the initial installation and configuration of a new Oracle, SQL Server etc database. The system administrator sets up hardware and deploys the operating system for the database server, then the DBA installs the database software and configures it for use. As updates and patches are required, the DBA handles this on-going maintenance.

And if a new server is needed, the DBA handles the transfer of data from the existing system to the new platform.

2. Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading

Known as ETL, data extraction, transformation, and loading refers to efficiently importing large volumes of data that have been extracted from multiple systems into a data warehouse environment.

This external data is cleaned up and transformed to fit the desired format so that it can be imported into a central repository.

3. Specialised Data Handling

Today’s databases can be massive and may contain unstructured data types such as images, documents, or sound and video files. Managing a very large database (VLDB) may require higher-level skills and additional monitoring and tuning to maintain efficiency.

4. Database Backup and Recovery

DBAs create backup and recovery plans and procedures based on industry best practices, then make sure that the necessary steps are followed. Backups cost time and money, so the DBA may have to persuade management to take necessary precautions to preserve data.

System admins or other personnel may actually create the backups, but it is the DBA’s responsibility to make sure that everything is done on schedule.

In the case of a server failure or other form of data loss, the DBA will use existing backups to restore lost information to the system. Different types of failures may require different recovery strategies, and the DBA must be prepared for any eventuality. With technology change, it is becoming ever more typical for a DBA to backup databases to the cloud, Oracle Cloud for Oracle Databases and MS Azure for SQL Server.

5. Security

A DBA needs to know potential weaknesses of the database software and the company’s overall system and work to minimise risks. No system is one hundred per cent immune to attacks, but implementing best practices can minimise risks.

In the case of a security breach or irregularity, the DBA can consult audit logs to see who has done what to the data. Audit trails are also important when working with regulated data.

6. Authentication

Setting up employee access is an important aspect of database security. DBAs control who has access and what type of access they are allowed. For instance, a user may have permission to see only certain pieces of information, or they may be denied the ability to make changes to the system.

7. Capacity Planning

The DBA needs to know how large the database currently is and how fast it is growing in order to make predictions about future needs. Storage refers to how much room the database takes up in server and backup space. Capacity refers to usage level.

If the company is growing quickly and adding many new users, the DBA will have to create the capacity to handle the extra workload.

8. Performance Monitoring

Monitoring databases for performance issues is part of the on-going system maintenance a DBA performs. If some part of the system is slowing down processing, the DBA may need to make configuration changes to the software or add additional hardware capacity. Many types of monitoring tools are available, and part of the DBA’s job is to understand what they need to track to improve the system. 3rd party organisations can be ideal for outsourcing this aspect, but make sure they offer modern DBA support.

9. Database Tuning

Performance monitoring shows where the database should be tweaked to operate as efficiently as possible. The physical configuration, the way the database is indexed, and how queries are handled can all have a dramatic effect on database performance.

With effective monitoring, it is possible to proactively tune a system based on application and usage instead of waiting until a problem develops.

10. Troubleshooting

DBAs are on call for troubleshooting in case of any problems. Whether they need to quickly restore lost data or correct an issue to minimise damage, a DBA needs to quickly understand and respond to problems when they occur.